
When did you start taking photos?

I got my first camera in 7th grade. Once Instagram came out, I stopped taking pictures because I got anxious about what others would think about my work. After graduating high school, I started taking photos again and haven’t stopped capturing moments ever since.

What camera do you shoot on?

I shoot on a Fujifilm XT-3. I am a massive Fujifilm fanboy.

What’s your favorite song right now?

Listen to All the Kids are Depressed by Jeremy Zucker. Probably the best music video I have seen as well.

What did you study?

I graduated with a BA in Sociology. I absolutely loved my classes and it taught me so much on how I can love my neighbors better.

Where are you living right now?

I live in Poulsbo! Just a hop and a skip away from Seattle.

Cats or Dogs?

Dogs… but I have never owned a cat so that might change in the future.